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Tag - grief
Quotes Tagged With :grief
Kelly Braffet
To kill was to be doomed. To kill was to die, yourself.
Ron Chernow
[Philip's death was] beyond comparison the most afflicting of my life.... He was truly a fine youth.....
Kristin Hannah
Even as she listened to murmurs of support, she heard the relief in other people’s voices, the immense....
Mary Renault
In grief more than in joy, man longs to know that the universe turns around him.
Matshona Dhliwayo
The universe acknowledges the value of your tears; for when it rains, it is shedding its own.
Jim Sheeler
I've had people tell me to get over it. I politely tell them, 'How about if I chop off your finger and....
William Grimshaw
When I die, I shall then have my greatest grief and my greatest joy; my greatest grief, that I have done....
Megan Devine
We need to talk about the hierarchy of grief. You hear it all the time—no grief is worse than any other.....
Mary Potter Kenyon
I held back from seeing Jacob much during those weeks. He wanted only his mother, and I wasn’t sure....
Kellie Elmore
I miss your face. That big bright smile. You always had it, in any weather. It's hard for me to find....
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