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Tag - grudges
Quotes Tagged With :grudges
M.J. Mandrake
I’m sure she didn’t mean what she said. Life’s too short to hold grudges.” “No, you just have....
Mario Puzo
What would the world come to if people kept carrying grudges against all reason? That has been the cross....
Free your grudges and heal your wounds.
Omoakhuana Anthonia
Clear out the past, layout the present and prepare for a much better and brighter future.
Dave Rudbarg
One of the reasons the team on NCIS works so well-is that they live by their leader's rules-which are....
Sonia Sotomayor
In my experience when a friend unloaded about a boyfriend or spouse, the listener soaked up the complaint....
To live with a mind full of grudges and jealousy, is to bargain to be constantly punished by negative....
Steve Maraboli
Let today be the day you finally release yourself from the imprisonment of past grudges and anger. Simplify....
Aaron Swartz
I think deeply about things and want others to do likewise. I work for ideas and learn from people. I....
M.J. Mandrake
I forgive,” Penny said. “But I don’t forget. I’ll remember the kind of gum you were chewing when....
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