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Tag - hafiz
Quotes Tagged With :hafiz
Idries Shah
A man must be a Salomon before his magical ring will work. (Hafiz)
Idries Shah
Do not think that your magic ring will work if you are not yourself Solomon.
Curtis Tyrone Jones
You collide with destiny caught up in the mystery of walking the halls of a mind that's only inclined....
Kamand Kojouri
Forget your voice, sing!Forget your feet, dance!Forget your life, live!Forget yourself and be!
Curtis Tyrone Jones
You see yourself as a shipwreck, but we see your treasure glowing inside, beneath the oceans in your....
Kamand Kojouri
How can you be a lover of loveand not be a lover of God?It is impossible.
Curtis Tyrone Jones
You broughtme your darkness& I loved youwith the radianttears of athousand suns.
Idries Shah
A man must be a Salomon before his magical ring will work
Curtis Tyrone Jones
You can'tstop dreamingjust becausethe night neverseems toend.
Idries Shah
A man must be a Solomon before his magical ring will work
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