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Tag - hallucination
Quotes Tagged With :hallucination
Teresa Lo
He, the One, the bringer of all to enlightenment, had an earthy name. His name was Jimmy.
Abhijit Naskar
From a medical standpoint, the third and the most probable explanation is that Jesus was indeed dead,....
Terence McKenna
A hallucination is to be in the presence of that which previously could not be imagined, and if it previously....
William Hazlitt
The world loves to be amused by hollow professions, to be deceived by flattering appearances, to live....
Jean Lorrain
At this point, the sequence of my memories is disrupted.I sank into a chaos of brief, incoherent and....
Mary Roach
While he attends to his rats, Persinger gives me the lowdown on the haunt theory. Why would a certain....
Carson McCullers
The Captain swallowed his capsules and lay down in the dark with pleasant anticipation. This quantity....
Stephen King
When rationality begins to break down, the circuits of the human brain can overload. Axons grow bright....
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Note for a moment do I take you for a truth that is real,' Ivan exclaimed in what even amounted to fury.....
S.K. Kalsi
The evening's light, silvery, casts its dull brightness onto the trees--trees gelid in this blue light....
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