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Tag - hannah
Quotes Tagged With :hannah
Karen Swallow Prior
When a man of sense comes to marry, it is a companion whom he wants, and not an artist. It is not merely....
Martin Luther King Jr.
To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.
Hannah Lillith Assadi
My father, a Palestinian, and my mother, an Israeli, met in a bar in New York. Their encounter was a....
Hannah Lillith Assadi
I wanted to walk faster, to run, far as possible from her, from my entire life, from the first day I....
Meghan Daum
... I somehow got the idea that oak floors were located exclusively in New York City. This came chiefly....
Hannah Lillith Assadi
When you are rich, your past disappears. You get everything you want when you want it . . . Everyone....
Tracie Miles
Hannah's faith was the answer to her stress. And, through that faith, she found peace, even though her....
Hannah Lillith Assadi
You and I, your mother, Ahlam, we are from up there,' my father continued. 'We come from the stunning....
Hannah Lillith Assadi
There is no moon. The stars have risen and fallen and given way to a new spread, to the smeared heart....
Elizabeth Scott
It was nothing. We played tic-tac-toe for a while. You know we do that sometimes.""Oh, I know," Teagan....
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