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Tag - happines
Quotes Tagged With :happines
Jolene Perry
And it's true what I read about joy. It's the kind of happiness that not only fills you up but spills....
Patience Johnson
How do you feel when you want to stand and you see yourself on the floor?Sometimes what God will ask....
Debasish Mridha
When you're looking for me, I am hiding in your heart, just find me with your light.
Grief is better than happiness, because in grief a person draws close to God. Your wings open. A tent....
Emmy Swain
Emmy has embarked on her journey to enrich the world with smiles. They are free, healthy, and often,....
Debasish Mridha
Pain that you fear becomes present if you dare.
Petek Kabakci
I value individuals and societies. I care about those who are not born yet. That is the reason for my....
Charlotte Eriksson
You smoked another cigarette and we shared another coffee and it was just another morning that made me....
Alain de Botton
Our sadness won’t be of the searing kind but more like a blend of joy and melancholy: joy at the perfection....
a lot of happiness lead a person to disappointments.
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