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Tag - hate
Quotes Tagged With :hate
Marcel Jouhandeau
To really know someone is to havelove and hated him in turn.
Sachin Kundalkar
We both disliked rude rickshwalas, shepu bhaji in any form, group photographs at weddings, lizards, tea....
Joe Sakic
My e-mail address is actually my wife's e-mail address. I actually hate computers.
Suzy Kassem
BLACK AND WHITEI was born intoA religion of Light,But with so many otherReligions andPhilosophies,How....
Amitav Chowdhury
Love is a natural feeling, hatred is an acquired one.
Abhysheq Shukla
Life is a do-it-yourself project.
Nikos Kazantzakis
You know all about love, but that is not enough. You must also learn that hate comes from God as well,....
Stephen Chbosky
she hated everything her parents loved
Kurt Eichenwald
Plenty of people detested Michael Jackson before his death wiped away the world's collective memory.....
Scott Stabile
I have yet to figure out a better way to combat hate than to love harder.
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