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Tag - helene
Quotes Tagged With :helene
Sabaa Tahir
Exhaustion is temporary. Pain is temporary. But Helene dying because I didn't find a way to get her back....
Sabaa Tahir
Rage colors her every movement. Rage that has nothing to do with her so-called bodyguards and everything....
Hélène Cixous
I write woman: woman must write woman. And man, man. So only anoblique consideration will be found here....
Hélène Cixous
The future must no longer be determined by the past. I do not deny thatthe effects of the past are still....
Sabaa Tahir
We match each other stroke for stroke until I get a hit on her right arm. She tries to switch sword arms,....
Irène Némirovsky
For there comes a time in life when the pity previously reserved only for children takes on a different....
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