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Tag - housewife
Quotes Tagged With :housewife
Jagdish Joghee
Call it arrogance or male chauvinism, the male ego just doesn’t allow a woman to participate in key....
Jennifer Coletta
Even the worst days have an ending, and the best days have a beginning.
Steven Jackson
I tell ya! The road to success is an endless battle for you and me.
Julie Mulhern
None of this was part of the plan all the girls I'd grown up with had been given. Not a written plan,....
Niccolò Ammaniti
She was always on her feet. Cooking. Washing. Ironing.
Danielle Steel
She felt lately as though she had served her purpose, done her job, and been dispensed with, not only....
Joan Reardon
I'm getting stale. I always do this time of year. I keep my nose to the grindestone and put in long hours....
Jennifer Coletta
It's not about grades, or saaviness, or sex appeal. It's all about grit. The strength of your character....
Helen Brown
In the back of the fridge I checked out some stewed apples destined to fester. I examined them closely....
Anne Sexton
Some women marry houses.
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