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Tag - hubris
Quotes Tagged With :hubris
Elton Trueblood
Deeply convinced of the reality of the divine will, he (Lincoln) had no patience at all with any who....
Marty Rubin
Trying to be more than human one becomes less.
Clifford Cohen
Note from Alien cookbook: “The more intelligent the human is, the better it tastes.
Michel de Montaigne
Can anything be imagined so ridiculous, that this miserable and wretched creature [man], who is not so....
And there they ring the walls, the young, the lithe. The handsome hold the graves they won in Troy; the....
Francis S. Collins
There were long stretches of DNA in between genes that didn't seem to be doing very much; some even referred....
Anatole France
It is the certainty that they possess the truth that makes men cruel. -Anatole France, novelist, essayist,....
Kingdom of God will surely come upon someone if glory of man leaves him
Eric Metaxas
Each era has the fatal hubris to believe that it has once and for all climbed to the top of the mountain....
Rosa Brooks
It takes a whole government to really screw up a war. A dollop of American hubris goes a long way too.....
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