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Tag - hunt
Quotes Tagged With :hunt
Gena Showalter
Dallas popped his jaw. “I do not cackle. I bitch like a he-man.
Kenneth Eade
Man is the only predator who hunts his own.
Verity Ant
He drank in her misery like fine wine, savoring every drop, letting it soothe his mind, his tension flowing....
Cassandra Clare
Isabelle!" he called again. "Let down your raven hair!'"Oh my God," Clary muttered. "There was something....
Ernest K. Gann
My mind held fast to that hot morning and the moment of coolness in the cabin. I could so easily re-enact....
Malcolm X
The old men had a set rabbit-hunting strategy that they had always used. Usually when a dog jumps a rabbit,....
Elizabeth Knox
I have no particular plan in life - and that's something I rather like. Most things that people do seem....
Cassandra Clare
Break my heart, he said. "Break it in pieces. I give you my permission.
Diana Hunter
a man who uses a woman for his own sexual gratification, but belittles her into thinking she is no good....
Kate Meader
An inappropriate attraction to your friend’s fiancé was grounds for disbarment from the Woman Club.....
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