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Tag - huntress
Quotes Tagged With :huntress
Travis Luedke
She exuded sexuality almost tangible, like ink obscuring the waters around the octopus before it strikes.....
Jeaniene Frost
That’s right, Justina!' he said more thanonce. 'We’re going to knock those demons out and slay them....
Jeaniene Frost
I don't lack for bed partners, so I don't need to scrounge for unwilling scraps.-Spade
Terry Spear
It is real, Lass.... You are mine as I am yours.
Sarah J. Maas
So I’m your huntress and thief?” His hands slid down to cup the backs of my knees as he said with....
Gena Showalter
He licked at her lips."We are going to have some amazing children. The best this world has ever seen.....
Michelle O'Leary
Uh-oh, big boy. Your blood is in the water and the sharks are circling. Must be feeding time."--Mea Brin,....
Terry Spear
Every bit of you, Lass, that's what I want...
Jeaniene Frost
No one believes you’re serious until bodies start to fall. -Vlad
Terry Spear
You can't fault me for ensuring it's in working order... what if I hadn't used it and from this use it....
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