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Tag - hurts
Quotes Tagged With :hurts
Holly Hood
Is that a rule? Do you have a rule that you can’t kiss people in the morning?
Amanda Grace
What do you do when the one person you want comfort from the most is the one who caused your pain? How....
Mirella Muffarotto
I tried to hate you, to forgive you, all just to forget you, but I'm only capable of loving you. You're....
Chloe Thurlow
I was always in love with love and now I am in love. In love, everything looks different. Everything....
Devon Ashley
I do love you. And I never gave you anything less than everything I had to give. - Jenna Baker
Veronica Roth
I know what it is to become something you hate, I know how it hurts. But life is full of hurt. And your....
Delano Johnson
Honor a good woman because she is virtuous and honorable.
Lauren Gilley
They’d dueled in the lamplight of her kitchen that night, savaging each other with accusations that....
Heather Matarazzo
I smile so much at the theater my face hurts when I leave.
Arya vidhan
love is like allopathic medicine...it gives happy very soon but it's side effects are so painful...
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