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Tag - hypocrites
Quotes Tagged With :hypocrites
Lee Goff
The Church is full of Hypocrites!" Yes, it is, and thank God for that, it means the church is doing its....
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
That's why there's a devil—to judge the priests.
Lionel Suggs
I do not take advice or listen to the words of hypocrites or beings that are not self-realized. It's....
Sanhita Baruah
So when they win, it's their hard workAnd when they lose, it's their bad luck
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Who are the lunatics? The ones who see horror in the heart of their fellow humans and search for peace....
Sigmund Freud
He does not believe that does not live according to his belief.
Joseph Lewis
The church knows that an educated man is an unbeliever. That is why there is a continual struggle on....
Emmie White
Then again, she could actually be dead, and this place was purgatory or Hell. She settled on purgatory....
C. JoyBell C.
Man is not defiled by his impurities. It is the other man pointing out his impurities to him, whom he....
Osamu Dazai
I would far prefer to be told simply to go and die. It's straightforward. But people almost never say,....
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