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Tag - illustra
Quotes Tagged With :illustra
Magda M. Olchawska
But our forest is sacred & magical with many unusual creatures & plants.We don’t want people to destroy....
Ilchi Lee
Knowing that you have a soul bright and clear like the sun, perceiving and feeling that soul, you will....
Magda M. Olchawska
Julia heard from her mummy that fairies were gentle creatures with singing voices just like the mermaids.....
Ray Bradbury
There were differences between memories and dreams. He had only dreams of things he had wanted to do,....
Magda M. Olchawska
If you use magic outside the school, we are going to get into more trouble than ever. I’m still not....
Magda M. Olchawska
The people who run the circus kidnapped us from our parents. Since we got here, we have all been working....
Magda M. Olchawska
Mikolay and Julia live in the same neighborhood and go tothe same school every Monday, Wednesday and....
Daniel Von der Ahe
If I live...I will live unafraid...I will live so all can see,I am not ashamed of who I am or what I'm....
Craig D. Lounsbrough
A father teaches his children that the battle is not determined by the enemy that stands around them,....
Minnelli Lucy France
Sometimes I defy flower anatomy & other times I try and replicate it intricately!
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