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Tag - imagery
Quotes Tagged With :imagery
John Green
We have a bad habit of seeing books as sort of cheaply made movies where the words do nothing but create....
Laurie Lee
It came out sparkling like liquid sky.
Aleister Crowley
Lisa was thinking, as she climbed the apparently unending staircase, the she had taken pretty long odds.....
Jack London
Captain West advanced to meet me, and before our outstretched hands touched, before his face broke from....
Alison Croggon
The weather was clear and still, and the countless stars opened above them, seeming like brilliant cold....
Alexander Ferrick
In the distance Richard could see the skyscrapers of Los Angeles rising out of the ocean; barnacle crusted....
Les Claypool
I liked the name Frog Brigade because it lent itself to a lot of cool imagery with the whole frog thing.....
Lauren Groff
He wanted terribly, to say, Stop, to say Bern’s name, to stroke her soft cheek where it was bitten....
David Halberstam
the ability to get on the air, which was crucial to any reporter’s career, grew precisely as the ability....
Mark Sayers
This culture of distraction was nothing new. Christianity was born into one.
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