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Tag - impress
Quotes Tagged With :impress
Susan C. Young
Research by the Income Center for Tradeshows found that people are twice as likely to remember you if....
Itohan Eghide
Bond is stronger than blood. The family grows stronger by bond.
Susan C. Young
We crave real people and are delighted when we find them.
Susan C. Young
ASK YOURSELF: How can you utilize active listening to provide sensational customer service? How will....
Susan C. Young
Our modern-day society is often so consumed with external appearances that living a virtuous life may....
Santosh Kalwar
Celebration is an act of impressing sadistic someone residing in you.
Susan C. Young
There are differing opinions as to whether charisma and charm are innate qualities which we are born....
Susan C. Young
Since your habits and hygiene will all help you feel great, look great, and improve the quality of your....
Susan C. Young
As a young girl, I allowed my self-esteem to be determined by others’ opinions, and I devoted incredible....
Susan C. Young
\“Self-confident people are mindful about spending their time, energy, and interests on things that....
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