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Tag - indian
Quotes Tagged With :indian
David Treuer
To understand American Indians is to understand America. This is the story of the paradoxically least....
Khushwant Singh
Bombay, you will be told, is the only city India has, in the sense that the word city is understood in....
Sanober Khan
a single poemthe thing that can keep melight on my feet,when my soul isheavy with sorrow.
Dee Brown
To the Indians it seemed that these Europeans hated everything in nature - the living forests and their....
Amit Kalantri
Uniform of a soldier and uniform of a student both are equally needed for the nation.
Sanober Khan
You askif I will write a poemI could,I supposewrite the mostsplendiferousone of allbut notrightnownot....
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o
Does rough weather choose men over women? Does the sun beat on men, leaving women nice and cool?' Nyawira....
Krishna Udayasankar
The Wheel of Time spins: there is beginning and there is end. But why does the Wheel of Time spin? Is....
Amit Kalantri
Sachin's pedal sweep confirmed that physical conditions and age cannot stop you from hitting boundaries.....
Renita D'Silva
What wouldn’t my people give for a few bites of the biryani she ordered me to throw away yesterday....
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