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Tag - individuation
Quotes Tagged With :individuation
Erwin Panofsky
Those who like to interpret historical facts symbolically may recognize in this the spirit of a specifically....
Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig
For us the question is, has the marriage to do with well-being or with salvation? Is it a soteriological....
James Hollis
The act of consciousness is central; otherwise we are overrun by the complexes. The hero in each of us....
Bryant McGill
Individuation is an attainment of spiritual maturity frighteningly seldom attained in today's mono-cultures.....
Craig Nelson
The Alchemical world view, in stark contrast to the scientific world view, where rational deterministic....
Jane Davenport Platko
Our stories are mirrors. We can look into them and return to ourselves. We can make of them an offering.....
James Hollis
The goal of individuation is wholeness, as much as we can accomplish, not the triumph of the ego.
Paul Bowles
Stenham had always taken it for granted that the dichotomy of belief and behavior was the cornerstone....
Tyler Hebert
Individuality is but another act of segregation. We need instead learn the process of Individuation.....
Kelli Jae Baeli
You have to be able to recognize your truths in the daylight before you can find them in the dark.
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