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Tag - industrious
Quotes Tagged With :industrious
Henry David Thoreau
If a man walk in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in danger of being regarded as a....
Amit Kalantri
The smell of the sweat is not sweet, but the fruit of the sweat is very sweet.
Samuel Butler
To do great work one must be very idle as well as very industrious.
Gene Stratton-Porter
If you are lazy, and accept your lot, you may live in it. If you are willing to work, you can write your....
Henry David Thoreau
If I should sell both my forenoons and afternoons to society, as most appear to do, I am sure that for....
L. Curt Erler
Today is today, only today... tomorrow...it will only be yesterday.
Israelmore Ayivor
If you want your dreams to work out for you, you must work with them. Pay the price and have the package....
Michael Grant
It couldn’t last. Everyone was just killing time. But if all they did was kill time, time would end....
Elizabeth George
This virtuous and very industrious woman needs physical strength and ability to do the work of her life,....
Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord
I divide my officers into four classes as follows: The clever, the industrious, the lazy, and the stupid.....
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