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Tag - insect
Quotes Tagged With :insect
William M. Bass
We’re organisms; we’re conceived, we’re born, we live, we die, and we decay. But as we decay we....
Annie Dillard
The remarkable thing about the world of insects, however, is precisely that there is no veil cast over....
Eva Green
There's this shop in New York I go to it has bones and fossils and insects that are like works of art.....
Michael Cunningham
A stray fact: insects are not drawn to candle flames, they are drawn to the light on the far side of....
Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich
dragonflies circled me, the sun knifing off the brilliant blues and yellows of their bodies.
Neal Stephenson
A red dragonfly hovers above a backwater of the stream, its wings moving so fast that the eye sees not....
Virginia Wright
Life is but a flash of time, a momentous flicker-- in the life that we know and space we live in on earth.©....
Jared Singer
dear samanthai’m sorrywe have to get a divorcei know that seems like an odd way to start a love letter....
Robert May
To a good approximation, all species are insects.
Adrian Tchaikovsky
All things die,' she told him. Such a truism, it was the trite utterance of any street-corner philosopher,....
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