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Tag - insecurities
Quotes Tagged With :insecurities
Anthony Liccione
Two people pass each other. As one looks upon the other's skin color, the other is looking back at their....
Shannon L. Alder
A best friend is the one person that doesn't leave you worse off by their actions or yours.
Jeremy Griffith
When the human condition is finally demystified, human insecurity and nervousness will be at a maximum…for....
Shannon L. Alder
It is not your beauty, success or money that should define you; neither should your church calling, your....
Arka Pain
What's the point of opening yourself up to your friends if they don't notice your vulnerable state? The....
Emma Watson
What gets scary is when your self-worth is tied up in what strangers think of you.
C. JoyBell C.
Insecurity produces either of these two types of individuals: The first type masters those monsters,....
Vironika Tugaleva
You are not who you think you are. You are not your fears, your thoughts, or your body. You are not your....
Emma Watson
It’s almost like the better I do, the more my feeling of inadequacy actually increases, because I’m....
Shannon L. Alder
A daughter of God knows that insecurity is not an excuse for doing evil to others, nor will God rest....
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