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Tag - insincerity
Quotes Tagged With :insincerity
Christopher Hitchens
Normally, anything done in the name of 'the kids' strikes me as either slightly sentimental or faintly....
Thomas Bernhard
You've always lived a life of pretense, not a real life-- a simulated existence, not a genuine existence.....
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Do not treat others as you would not like to be treated' frees one from hypocrisy. 'Treat others as you....
Sigmund Freud
Where the questions of religion are concerned people are guilty of every possible kind of insincerity....
Michael Benzehabe
The dean put a finger to his chin as he studied this great and troubling mystery. The applicant’s response....
Criss Jami
An insincere critic of a sincere person never wins.
Criss Jami
Men seek a great deal, but fatally close, albeit very different, is one's pride in proving oneself right....
Criss Jami
Every category has its snobs: music, books, movies. There are so many things a man is only pressured....
Amit Abraham
The expression Gone To The Dogs needs to be changed to Gone To Humans Without a Conscience
Criss Jami
Being nice merely to be liked in return nullifies the point.
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