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Tag - inspirationalquotes
Quotes Tagged With :inspirationalquotes
Robert M. Drake
We swallowed the chaos because we knew we didn't want to be ordinary.
Robert M. Drake
A tamed woman will never leave her mark in the world.
Robert M. Drake
She got inside me with her story. I could feel her flowing in me and far, faraway I related in parallel.....
Robert M. Drake
We’re only instruments of love, flowing through heaps of pain hoping one day we’d hatch a passion....
Robert M. Drake
Your greatest dreams will always slumber within the vicious depths of fear.
Robert M. Drake
Maybe all that we are is what people expect us to be.
Robert M. Drake
With all honesty, somewhere between the hello and the dreams I saw you in I fell in love.
Robert M. Drake
To be human is to be broken and broken is its own kind of beautiful.
Robert M. Drake
You’re not a bad person, you’re just a little bit different and I’m a sucker for that.
Robert M. Drake
She had more of me then I had of myself. We were both wild birds chasing the stars. We’d lose our way....
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