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Tag - integral
Quotes Tagged With :integral
K.J. Bishop
Art is the conscious making of numinous phenomena. Many objects are just objects - inert, merely utilitarian.....
Ken Wilber
An integral approach is based on one basic idea: no human mind can be 100% wrong. Or, we might say, nobody....
Hrishikesh Agnihotri
I cannot imagine a truly beautiful world without courtesy being integral to its culture.
Joseph Fourier
The integrals which we have obtained are not only general expressions which satisfy the differential....
Robert Ludlum
Characterization is integral to the theatrical experience.
Kamand Kojouri
Love is the most integral function of our lives. That is why LOVE is only one letter away from LIVE.
Swami Satchitananda
Paths are many, Truth is ONE!
Ken Wilber
The point of the overall meditative path is to have Wakefulness (or Consciousness as Such) transcend....
Ken Wilber
A Super-Integral Spirituality has all the features of an Integral Spirituality, plus, among other things,....
Dr Robin Lincoln Wood
My simple explanation of why we human beings, the most advanced species on earth, cannot find happiness,....
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