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Tag - interracial
Quotes Tagged With :interracial
Trevion Burns
If he sees you in this apartment he will seriously murder you and then break up with me. And I really,....
Laura Yes Yes
Sometimes I'm a black. Not everyone realizes blackness has to be conferred upon you again and again.....
Shiree McCarver
IF you wish to be a writer then don't wait until you write the "great American novel" for they aren't....
Ruth Ahmed
There was a time when I was lucky enough to believe that 'There's this girl in Pakistan' would be the....
C. JoyBell C.
I am not a little bit of many things; but I am the sufficient representation of many things. I am not....
Ruth Ahmed
Ruby clapped her hands in glee and gave a comedic wiggle of her head, Bollywood style.I know the song....
Scarlett Avery
Holy DAMN was that HOT! —Kimberly Treamer
Billy London
BELINDA: People say you shouldn’t speak ill of the dead. I say tell the truth. The dead will know what....
Scarlett Avery
Ms. Scarlett always delivers hot, sexy alphas and this isn't any different. Holy smokes, is this ever....
Barack Obama
They, they, they. That was the problem with people like Joyce. They talked about the richness of their....
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