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Tag - interstellar
Quotes Tagged With :interstellar
Vishwanath S J
Time, as such doesn't travel! It's the paradox & uncertainty inside you that makes it travel.
K. Hari Kumar
Such is the great nature of man, it resides the true face beneath a glittering masquerade.
Vishwanath S J
Time has witnessed events even before it's own birth without energy.
Vishwanath S J
Explore, Dream & Discover are 3 secrets which the time traveler is unaware. They demystify as the journey....
Vishwanath S J
Take a closer look at the word "Change". You never "Changed", instead, you were 'Manipulated' by illusion.....
Bill Gaede
There are problems humans cannot solve, to wit: density dependent birth rates, loss of genetic diversity,....
Kip S. Thorne
Some segments of this book may be rough going. That's the nature of real science. It requires thought.....
Vishwanath S J
Time cannot put anything in your hands until you let go off the time.
Vishwanath S J
Universe is expanding to infinity without a center in space. How come humans claim a direction to their....
Vishwanath S J
Time is an encoded pattern of fabric woven with information & energy.
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