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Tag - ireadbooksactually
Quotes Tagged With :ireadbooksactually
Tania De Rozario
I am a wall. I am a wall. I am a wall. I am a giant and I tower above you. I am a giant and I can't hear....
Agnes Chew
You yearn to stay in this in-between place, where the beauty of the times you have freshly bade farewell....
Kyoko Yoshida
We do not know if she collapsed because of overwhelming joy, extreme surprise, grave disappointment,....
Mahita Vas
She tried to remember all the times she had spoken to him. She replayed every moment she could remember....
Julie Koh
She pulls me further down. More trapped souls reach out to us, dressed in clothes from decades past.....
Kyoko Yoshida
No, I am not imagining a book-burning, warmongering, anti-intellectual fascist regime – in my plan,....
Julie Koh
Never forget,' says Sugar Daddy, 'we are a nation built on sugar. It is our history and it is the source....
Cyril Wong
If this turns to friendship, it only meansThat one of us will suffer.That when we meet after the worst....
Jon Gresham
We weren’t happy together but we lived in a state of easy, mild contentment. We shared everything except....
Jon Gresham
Later, you told me what your mother had said. How your father, the farmer, rose up slowly. You told me....
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