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Tag - ivy
Quotes Tagged With :ivy
Dada Bhagwan
That which cannot be seen by the eyes, nor heard by the ears, is the Self (chetan, Soul). That which....
Hollow Ryan
There were many forms of betrayal. Betrayal of friends. Comrades. Even life.
Kellyn Roth
If Miss Elton spoke water instead of words, then there would have been a repetition of Noah’s flood.....
Colleen Boyd
I'm never going to 'not come' because of you. You're my friend."I finally turn around so I can reassure....
Kim Harrison
Plan B?' Ivy said. 'What is plan B?'Jenks reddened. 'Grab the fish and run like hell,' he muttered, and....
Elizabeth Chandler
How would you feel about sharing your bed?" she asked. Tristan blinked. "Excuse me?" "He'd love to!"....
Colleen Boyd
Hello, Rylan,"Ivy greets me. Even with her transformation, her voice still has that magical quality about....
Steven Ivy - Attorney Entrepreneur
Ask Gandhi, and eye for an eye makes us both blind.....ask an engineer, and the numbers don't lie - the....
Amy Engel
Now I understand - how sleep allows you to forget, but your pain wakes with the dawn, worse because for....
Steven Ivy - Attorney Entrepreneur
The minute you stop caring about your business, is the same minute your business stops caring about you.....
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