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Tag - jacques
Quotes Tagged With :jacques
Konrad Bloch
I would not be among you to-night (being awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine) but....
Max F. Perutz
The discovery of an interaction among the four hemes made it obvious that they must be touching, but....
Jacques Prévert
Adrijene, nemoj da se duriš!Vrati se!U redu grešila samduge godine nisam se vracala kuci,ali sam ti....
Terry Eagleton
Not all of Derrida's writing is to everyone's taste. He had an irritating habit of overusing the rhetorical....
Jacques Prévert
Remember BarbaraIt rained all day on Brest that dayAnd you walked smilingFlushed enraptured streaming-wetIn....
Jacques Lacan
In other words, the man who is born into existence deals first with language; this is a given. He is....
Martijn Benders
Talent is 98% hard work - even Brel said so. The best signal for lack of talent is therefore quite simply....
Robert Zaretsky
Rousseau pounced. Men who dislike cats were tyrannical: "They do not like cats because the cat is free....
Robert Zaretsky
Rousseau identified reason as the disease for which it pretended to be the cure.
Christine Feehan
She yanked her hand away as if he had burned her, rubbing her palm along her thigh. The feeling didn’t....
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