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Tag - january
Quotes Tagged With :january
Nancy Barr
Mitch Montgomery had been dead for nearly nine months.Those well-meaning souls who’d offered advice....
Avijeet Das
I did put on the record player, the love symphony of Beethoven wafted in the air. You and I made love,last....
Ruby Archer
Snow is diamonds for a faery's feet;Blithely and bonnily she trips along,Her lips a-carol with a merry....
January Valentine
My werewolf ... my second skin ...When the moon is on the rise,I go naked into night.I am never dressed....
Audrey Bell
And I couldn't tell my mother to fuck off.I'd be killed.
Arzum Uzun
I killed my ex lovers and buried to my memories' grave. It is JanuaryAnd I am tired of being brave.
Karen Joy Fowler
Lots of people go mad in January. Not as many as in May, of course. Nor June. But January is your third....
Sanober Khan
I blink January’s lashesand gush down December’s cheeks
Roman Payne
It is growing cold. Winter is putting footsteps in the meadow. What whiteness boasts that sun that comes....
Bethany Brookbank
And instead of dying Immediately after they shot him, he would go on to survive several days solely because....
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