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Tag - jeans
Quotes Tagged With :jeans
Kat Simons
When he remembered, his indrawn breath pulled her scent into his mouth, coating his tongue with her taste.....
One Direction
You hand fits in mine like its made to be but bear this in mind it was meant to be and im joining up....
Elizabeth Gilbert
Let me ask you something, in all the years that you have...undressed in front of a gentleman has he ever....
Gigi Hadid
Rag & Bone is a big part of my closet. I just really like how their jeans fit; I wear them a lot, and....
Avijeet Das
The holes in my shoes and the holes in my jeans make me whole!
Brenna Ehrlich
Shirts and jeans litter the asphalt, the empty fabric limbs askew as if they're attempting to escape.....
Avijeet Das
The holes in my jeans ans the holes in my boots make me whole!
Yves Saint-Laurent
I have often said that I wish I had invented blue jeans: the most spectacular, the most practical, the....
Lauren Graham
Honestly, I was such a tomboy as a kid. People were taking from their mothers' closets - I was taking....
Amit Kalantri
You cannot choose your face but you can choose your dress.
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