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Tag - jerks
Quotes Tagged With :jerks
Homer Simpson
Why don't those stupid idiots let me in their crappy club for jerks?
Anthony Liccione
There are four kinds of people to avoid in the world: the assholes, the asswipes, the ass-kissers, and....
Michael Bassey Johnson
Anytime you meditate, some electric jerks occur in your thigh...the symbol of premonition of an unpleasant....
Melody Carlson
Girls can be so petty and jealous. I swear they're worse than guys sometimes. Except they're all quiet....
John Robert Go
Don't try fixing something that is already broken to begin with.
Travis J. Dahnke
I believe all people are assholes. You won't find anyone that you like. You'll just find someone you....
April Mae Monterrosa
Ladies, don't lower yourself to fight over a man or compete with other women for one. It's not classy,....
Auliq Ice
There's a difference between playing it cool and being a jerk.
J.M. Richards
If you want to call it quits, just tell me. Man up and say it to my face. Don’t just skulk around.
Richard Peck
Stay away from people who don't know who they are but want you to be just like them. People who'll want....
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