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Tag - johannes
Quotes Tagged With :johannes
Franz Cumont
After a duration of a thousand years, the power of astrology broke down when, with Copernicus, Kepler,....
Niq Mhlongo
Never argue with a fool, people might not notice the difference
Harry Kalmer
He thought how easy it would be to write an entire book on Johannesburg violence. The strike leader Pickaxe....
Jonathan L. Howard
Not entirely fair?" His voice became that of the inferno: a rushing, booming howl of icy evil that flew....
Jonathan L. Howard
Horst passed him a bottle he had picked up in his rapid trip from there to here. Remarkably, it's contents....
Jonathan L. Howard
Lo!" cried the demon. "I am here! What dost thou seek of me? Why dost thou disturb my repose? Smite me....
Lauren Beukes
Traffic in Joburg is like the democratic process. Every time you think it's going to get moving and take....
Robert G. Ingersoll
If the people of Europe had known as much of astronomy and geology when the bible was introduced among....
Søren Kierkegaard
Now she has power and passion and the struggle has significance for me-let the momentary consequences....
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