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Tag - jorge
Quotes Tagged With :jorge
Jorge Luis Borges
I think—the hero observes that nothing is so frightening as a labyrinth with no center.
Christopher Hitchens
At a lunchtime reception for the diplomatic corps in Washington, given the day before the inauguration....
Svetlana Chmakova
If they're friends, then they've got your back . . . whether you're there or not. Friends won't "forget"....
Christopher Hitchens
Well, as Hannah Arendt famously said, there can be a banal aspect to evil. In other words, it doesn't....
Jorge Luis Borges
I do not know which of us has written this page.
Jorge Luis Borges
And yet, and yet… Denying temporal succession, denying the self, denying the astronomical universe,....
Melanie Dickerson
He had danced with fair maidens before, but Odette was different. She was graceful and beautiful, but....
Jorge Luis Borges
One day or one night—between my days and nights, what difference can there be?—I dreamed that there....
Jorge Luis Borges
But let no one imagine that we were mere ascetics. There is no more complex pleasure than thought, and....
María Kodama
If you have feelings about reading, you feel the rhythm of prose or of a poem like music. It awakens....
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