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Tag - justthewayifeel
Quotes Tagged With :justthewayifeel
Pushpa Rana
I looked for company and i found myself.
Pushpa Rana
It's not sad that I don't love you anymore, it's I can't love anyone anymore.
Pushpa Rana
There was nothing special with the way he looked at her but her heart raced even with a glance.
Pushpa Rana
It's better to hate someone in the beginning rather than end up hating someone after loving.
Pushpa Rana
He in any form was a drug to the addiction of being desired while she was always wanted.
Pushpa Rana
There was nothing special with the way he looked at her but her heart raced with even glance.
Pushpa Rana
Some express, some write and some just feel it.
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