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Quotes Tagged With :kamiltheauthor
Kamil Ali
CURTAIN CALLThe world is our stage and the final act can highlight or ruin a beautiful play
Kamil Ali
GENESG raft of yourselfE endowmentN ew generationE volutionS urvival Kamil Ali
Kamil Ali
RELIGION OR COUNTRYOur allegiance may determine the fate of others
Kamil Ali
CHALLENGE - Instead of losing motivation, empower yourself to prove detractors wrong
Kamil Ali
LEASELife Ends And Session ExpiresKamil Ali - Poem, The Balance' - Profound Vers-A-Tales
Kamil Ali
RECURRENT CURRENTSLike the ocean, life ebbs and flows with the occasional ripKamil Ali
Kamil Ali
CORE ADOREOur true worth lies in our character, not in our accomplishments
Kamil Ali
MIND & GRINDSelf-belief and hard work can propel you past more talented peers
Kamil Ali
UNDAUNTED PURSUITSuccess, however measured, is the seat of a stool with three legs of determination,....
Kamil Ali
I LOVE YOUDon't just 'think' it. Say it before it's too late - The burden of regret is a heavy cross....
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