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Tag - kashmir
Quotes Tagged With :kashmir
Balajinnatha Pandita
God, bearing the whole psycho-physical existence as reflections, is also not involved in any transformation....
Balajinnatha Pandita
Kashmir Shaivism also developed an integrated and effective method of spiritual practice that includes....
Balajinnatha Pandita
In his discussion of Trika Yoga Abhinavagupta begins with the most advanced approach, and then presents....
Sanchit Gupta
All they want is to point a finger.
Balajinnatha Pandita
A special and very important characteristic of Trika yoga, which is not found in other systems, is its....
Srividya Srinivasan
The Valley WeepsWeep softly o mother,the walls have ears you know...The streets are awash o mother!I....
Balajinnatha Pandita
According to the Trika system, yoga is that theological practice which helps in attaining the realization....
Mirza Waheed
There were people dying everywhere getting massacred in every town and village, there were people being....
Balajinnatha Pandita
The ancient sages of Kashmir Shaivism did not look for the truth only in logic and intellectual speculation.....
Balajinnatha Pandita
All of the blissful and beautiful aspects of the Absolute are present in each and every person and living....
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