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Tag - khayyam
Quotes Tagged With :khayyam
Idries Shah
If wine is the enemy of religion, I shall devour the enemy of religion.
Oliver Herford
I sometimes think the Pussy-Willows greyAre Angel Kittens who have lost their way,And every Bulrush on....
Tahir Shah
Inscribed on it was a verse from the Quatrains of Omar Khayyam, the eleventh-century Persian mystic.....
Jorge Luis Borges
He [Omar Khayyam] is an atheist, but knows how to interpret in orthodox style the most difficult passages....
Kamand Kojouri
Forget your voice, sing!Forget your feet, dance!Forget your life, live!Forget yourself and be!
Anurag Shourie
Enough of medical ethics. Let Uncle Hippocrates rest in peace. It’s time to send an S.O.S to Uncle....
Idries Shah
To bind one free man with love is better than to release a thousand slaves.
Idries Shah
Continuously, in commemoration of the FriendWe drank wine, even before the creation of the vine.
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