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Tag - kitty
Quotes Tagged With :kitty
Dayna S. Rubin
Take it all, all of it!" Greg cried out. "These things here...I've been making them better, fixing them.....
Aimee Carter
He is an idiot," I said. "One who thinks he's a genius/ They're the most dangerous kind.""No, the most....
Cecelia Ahern
Journalism classes teach us that one must extract oneself from the story in order to report without bias,....
Nalini Singh
Someday,” she said in a voice as serene as a high mountain lake, “I’m going to break your neck.....
Aimee Carter
Together, we will prevail, and we will be free.
Matt Fraction
My kitty wishes to engulf you within her darkened delta of destruction.
La Carmina
The Professor noted two nymphs with strawberries on their heads, a DayGlo Amish lady, a mustachioed man....
Christopher Morley
Life's a lot different from what people pretend. That's why pretending is fun. I used to think it was....
Aimee Carter
Sometimes you have to sacrifice your queen to capture the king.
Calico KittyMy calico kittywas painted and primedshe could prowlthe night away ~without spending a dime.......
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