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Tag - knife
Quotes Tagged With :knife
Laurie Halse Anderson
Few people know this, but I am a trained assassin, skilled in jujitsu and krav maga. I can also, with....
Frank Herbert
The knife is more dangerous than the hand and the knife can be in either hand.
Amy Lane
I was terrified of my weakness, of my sharp tongue, ofmy every flaw. I was terrified that this moment,....
Patrick Ness
No one ever seems to wonder what happens if it turns out we hate living on a planet? What if the sky’s....
Conn Iggulden
Sometimes, power could change hands as quickly as a knife thrust.
Eddie Lenihan
There'll be no more music, Father. But there'll be this!" He stepped into the dark, picked up the knife,....
Henry V. O'Neil
This is a Spartacan fighting knife. Heard of the Spartacan Scouts? Rough boys. This knife belonged to....
Shane Barr
Loss is a knife, constantly cutting, but over time the blade dulls, and the cuts aren't as sharp. It's....
James Jones
It did not last long. It is only in the movies that knife fighters stab and miss and slash and miss and....
Shannon Celebi
She fantasized sometimes too about killing him a little: a little poison in his pudding, a little flick-flick-flick....
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