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Tag - kodak
Quotes Tagged With :kodak
Rebecca McNutt
…Maybe I’ll be watching super-8 home videos,” Alecto told her, smiling bleakly. “I love my super-8....
Rebecca McNutt
Film photography will always be superior to digital - because no matter how many lasers and instant buttons....
Brenna Ehrlich
When I was your age, I would go to plays all the time, just sit in the darkness and try to take it all....
Rebecca McNutt
We were poor back then. Not living in a cardboard carton poor, not “we might have to eat the dog”....
Rebecca McNutt
Super 8 film is the language of silence.
Rebecca McNutt
photographs are very interesting, and you can look into them a million times and still find a new meaning....
Rebecca McNutt
We make, see, and love films, not digitals. To convert all of our movies, home videos, theaters, photographs....
Rebecca McNutt
Alecto isn't a person! He's just something that society made and then threw away, a memory that refuses....
Christopher J. Nolan
To be honest, I’ve always made films and I never really stopped, starting with little stop-motion experiments....
Brenna Ehrlich
It tugs at me, filling me with the kind of seasick nostalgia that can hit you in the gut when you find....
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