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Tag - kreitzer
Quotes Tagged With :kreitzer
Laura Kreitzer
Burn wounds always elicited pain more terrible than anything else he had ever endured. He didn’t relish....
Laura Kreitzer
An ear-splitting screech pierced the silence, followed by another, striking his ears like metal against....
Laura Kreitzer
The woman turns away; one wing blackens like an onyx gem while the other glows white like a bright spotlight.....
Laura Kreitzer
There was an image in my mind—an expectation of what it would be like when I finally gave myself fully....
Laura Kreitzer
Death was a leech; no matter which side of the spectrum you were on, either dead or alive, it fed. It....
Laura Kreitzer
He holds her with the strength of a million-man army, but with all the tenderness of her heart lying....
Laura Kreitzer
To have reservations is to show true leadership. To have certainty without question, to lead people to....
Laura Kreitzer
The Ferryman will transport us across the moat,” Chris informed. “Yeah. This seems legit,” Gabriella....
Laura Kreitzer
It took me several minutes to persuade myself to watch the news. During which time I gave myself a stern....
Laura Kreitzer
I think I found your vampire,” Andrew said, except this time he wasn’t so amused.However, Gabriella....
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