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Tag - kyra
Quotes Tagged With :kyra
Bridget Zinn
I'm glad you escaped, Kyra," Fred said, looking serious again. "And that I found you.""Me too," Kyra....
Kyra Dune
Either you’re with me or you’re against me. I can’t afford to be looking over my shoulder all the....
Kyra Lennon
Okay, on my first night, he tried to chat me up. You know how the story goes. ‘You have the most beautiful....
Bridget Zinn
Okay, that one's pretty good," Fred acknowledged, after she'd told him a particularly filthy joke. "But....
Kyra Jackson
Sometimes things are most beautiful when they're coming to an end.
Kyra Dune
A conscience can be a dangerous thing
Kyra Dune
I don’t want to kill you, but I must. For the good of the country.
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