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Tag - lacey
Quotes Tagged With :lacey
Catherine Lacey
I couldn't blame anyone for what was in me, because I am, like everyone, populated entirely by myself.....
Violet Cross
Just then they were both vulnerable, and the only thing standing between them and our enemies, was me.It....
Lynda Miller
Some of you might know me as Meg Lacey, but Lynda Miller is my real name. Of course, I am usually called....
Catherine Lacey
Lately, I couldn't remember those years, as if childhood was a movie I'd only seen the previews to.
Catherine Lacey
Sex seemed like a thing that might only happen to me at random, outside my control, like the weather.....
Catherine Lacey
I sometimes wondered why I even answered the phone, but I guess I always had the hope that it would be....
Catherine Lacey
It was grotesque and eerie, too strange of a dream.
Catherine Lacey
I thought I detected a bit of wonder in his voice, that he'd like to become part of a story, any story.....
Catherine Lacey
But we always avoided talking about these things—difficult things—and I wondered if that meant we'd....
Violet Cross
I wasn't the kind of girl who liked to wait around to be rescued.
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