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Tag - later
Quotes Tagged With :later
Christopher Hitchens
As he once wrote of Kipling, his own enduring influence can be measured by a number of terms and phrases—doublethink,....
Anthnoy T.Hincks
Because lies outpace the truth, sooner or later you will trip up on your own tongue.
James C. Dobson
25. Whenever two human beings spend time together, sooner or later they will probably irritate one another.....
Craig Groeschel
His famous, soul-stirring "I have a dream" speech will still give you chills and break your heart today.....
Craig Groeschel
You can't build a foundation of sin now for a life of purity later.
Katherine Howe
But an attentive researcher--like you--might be able to see something that all the experts can't see.....
Christina Engela
Moments later, Sona Kilroy, heading for the open doorway, stepped over the sergeant’s body. With an....
Amit Kalantri
If one Godfather offers you an opportunity and another Godfather offers you an advantage, go with the....
Anthony Powell
In any case the friendships of later life, in contrast wih those negotiated before thirty, are apt to....
Benjamin Franklin
Wars are not paid for in wartime, the bill comes later.
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