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Tag - laugh
Quotes Tagged With :laugh
Thomas Carlyle
True humor springs not more from the head than from the heart. It is not contempt; its essence is love.....
Maya Angelou
I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.
Justina Chen
So, really," continued Jacob as if this were perfectly normal to expound on art in these circumstances,....
Regina Hall
Sometimes I make myself laugh, but that's because I appreciate my sense of humor.
Anthony T. Hincks
Comedians can turn laughter into tears and back again.
Jimmy Fallon
I'm on so late I'm definitely the last seconds of anyone's attention. So I just want to give them something....
Sanjo Jendayi
If you love someone...tell them often.If you haven't had time for loved ones... make it.If you've been....
Deirdre O'Kane
Work hard, play hard, dream big, love loads, laugh as much as you can, and give back.
Audrey Hepburn
I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude....
Andrés Neuman
... it's a bad sign when someone drinks a lot and doesn't laugh.
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