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Tag - laureate
Quotes Tagged With :laureate
Julian Schwinger
Is the purpose of theoretical physics to be no more than a cataloging of all the things that can happen....
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth
I studied calculus for the first time, which to me was an amazingly empowering experience which I could....
Steven Weinberg
Frederick Douglass told in his Narrative how his condition as a slave became worse when his master underwent....
Carol Ann Duffy
Poets sing our human music for us.
Gertrude B. Elion
I had no specific bent toward science until my grandfather died of stomach cancer. I decided that nobody....
William Shockley
It has today occurred to me that an amplifier using semiconductors rather than vacuum is in principle....
Francis William Aston
Should the research worker of the future discover some means of releasing this [atomic] energy in a form....
Felix Bloch
I am sure my fellow-scientists will agree with me if I say that whatever we were able to achieve in our....
Jack W. Szostak
My laboratory is interested in the related challenges of understanding the origin of life on the early....
Harold Urey
I looked for it [heavy hydrogen, deuterium] because I thought it should exist. I didn't know it would....
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