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Tag - lawless
Quotes Tagged With :lawless
Criss Jami
If beauty is relative, then any and everything when compared to the beauty of God is absolutely hideous.....
Brandon Andress
If economies collapse and lawlessness rules and resources are scarce, many people who claim with their....
Simona Panova
Oh, he did look like a deity – the perfect balance of danger and charm, he was at the same time fascinating....
Sunday Adelaja
If we don’t fight lawlessness, it prevails.
Criss Jami
The foundation of morality on the human sentiments of what is acceptable behavior versus repulsive behavior....
Robin Hobb
Assassins take no pride in fighting fairly. We take pride in winning.
Amanda Mosher
The only things flawless about me are my flaws.
Yahtzee Croshaw
The cruelest thing you can do to an artist is tell them their work is flawless when it isn't
Akshay Vasu
Don't ask me why am I not fine, don't say a word just come and hug me. Even if I don't hug you back at....
John Geddes
...I didn't want you flawless - I have a bare wall at home that's flawless - I wanted your character....
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