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Tag - legislative
Quotes Tagged With :legislative
James Scott
If developed and implemented meaningfully, Cyber Shield Act could be a catalyst to incite responsible....
James Scott
The Cyber Shield Act could serve as a secure conduit to facilitate update and patch delivery"James Scott,....
James Scott
Overall, Cyber Shield Act is an excellent idea and could facilitate a much-needed cultural shift in secure....
James Scott
Most IoT devices that lack security by design simply pass the security responsibility to the consumer,....
A.E. Samaan
I would rather contend with an honest asshole than a duplicitous diplomat.
James Scott
The two main problems with signature and heuristic based anti-virus is the mutating hash and the fact....
James Scott
Overall, Cyber Shield Act is an excellent idea and could facilitate a much-needed cultural shift in secure....
Christina Engela
South Africa is the only country where an overwhelming majority in complete political control is apparently....
James Scott
The Cyber Shield Act could serve as a secure conduit to facilitate update and patch delivery
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